Therapy Made Easy - São Paulo, BR

How much training did you receive in order to become a therapist?

How complicated was therapy made to seem by that training?  How difficult? 

How much of what you learned in training do you use in your practice?

Do you wonder how to incorporate the tools of Access with what you are already doing?

Do you ever feel stuck? 

Anne Maxwell, LCSW, is a psychotherapist who has worked for over 25 years with children, families, and adults of all ages and kinds.  In addition, she is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who has been facilitating classes in Access for 10 years.  With all that, she has developed a unique approach to therapy and brings with her a wealth of information on this topic.  

This product includes:

  • Mp3 audio recordings of the class
  • A PDF with key topics from the class

$400 USD - Global Pricing applies. Find your country HERE.




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