Foundation Class, Oct 2023

When you’ve tried everything else, try you.

When you start on the road to trusting yourself, you begin to realize that you can create the life you would like to have. ~ Anne Maxwell, LCSW ~

What if it’s possible to change anything? What if you know something that no one else knows? What if now is the time to express and choose everything you came here to be?

The Foundation class is designed to empower you to change anything and everything you’d like to change in your life. You will be given a whole toolbox that will allow you to break apart the foundation of limitation that we so often function from and build a new foundation, one of limitless possibilities so that you can begin to create the life you truly desire.

What do you desire? What would you like to be different? Would you like more joy? More fun? More ease? Would you like to wake up in the morning with a sense of gratitude... happy to be on the planet?

Whatever it is for you, it is possible. Thousands of people around the world have created the life they desire by using the simple and pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness® that you will be introduced to in the Foundation class.

Everything can change. Anything is possible. The question is, will you choose it?

October 13-16, 2023
9:30 am - 5:30 pm MST
(Your local Date & Time)


Live, Littleton, CO.
If you're planning on attending live and have any questions about where to stay, what to do, what to see.... send us an email at [email protected]


Access Bars® with any facilitator


Initial Price - $2500 USD
Country Pricing Applies - Find Your Price in the World


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